2023 Windsor Cares Auction

2022 auction item: Jordan Florist, 10 Palisado Ave, Windsor.

The 39th Annual Windsor Chamber Cares Auction has been wonderful, with many really cool auction items and excitement in the bidding atmosphere to the end! Our 2023 Auction was all online auction allowing many more bidders from our wider community.

Auction 39 kicked off Friday, April 14th at 5:00 p.m.

The auction ran for one week and ended on Friday, April 21 at 8:00 p.m.

This year our partner was the Windsor Education Foundation (WEF) – in its 15th year which supports excellence in Windsor Public Schools. From 2007 to 2023, WEF has awarded $218,892 in grant awards to local public-school educators and positively affected the lives of thousands of Windsor school children through creative teaching projects and programs.

WEF’s goal is to fund at least $15,000 worth of grants each year. It is through their fundraising efforts and donations from residents, local business people, and corporate giving that they are able to meet their goals.

As you may know, since the inception of the Windsor Chamber Auction event, we have raised over $700,000 for community organizations that deeply need our help.

As always, thank you.

Windsor Chamber of Commerce 2023 Auction - Windsor Chamber Cares 39

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