Information about the Chamber, Networking, Windsor Town Information, Concerts on the Green and more.
What is the Windsor Chamber of Commerce?
- The Windsor Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting businesses and the community.
- The mission of the Chamber is
- To provide voice for the Business Community on issues of public policy.
- To help businesses to work together for their mutual benefit.
- To advocate initiatives that enhance the town’s (region) economic vitality and quality of life.
What does the Chamber do?
- Representation on Windsor’s Economic Development Commission and on the Windsor Public School Systems Education Advisory Committee.
- Involvement with the Bradley Development League and work with the neighboring towns on local issues.
- Assist businesses in the relocation of their business and employees.
- Publish Chamber e-News, a Windsor Business Email Newsletter.
- Furnish the public with resource information on the town and its attractions through the website and “What’s Going On in Windsor?” email newsletter.
- Sponsor several town-wide programs such as the Annual Benefit Auction, Golf Tournament, Teachers’ Luncheon, and more.
Where is the Chamber located?
- The Chamber is located on the Windsor town green at 261 Broad Street.
Turn from Broad Street on to Maple towards CVS. Bear right at the post office. There is a parking lot in the rear. Please enter by the front door facing the green.
Who runs the Chamber of Commerce?
- The Windsor has one full time staff member, the Executive Director, and one part-time assistant.
- Several volunteers also work regularly at the Chamber to assist with programs, events and administration.
- The volunteer Board of Directors meets monthly to set policy and guide the Chamber in its mission.
Can I sell my products at Chamber Business Expos?
- Not usually, but around the holidays we allow businesses to sell products and services at our Business Expos.
Is there a rain date for concerts on the green?
- The rain date for a summer concert is always the following Tuesday at 7:00 pm.
When is Small Business Saturday?
- Small Business Saturday is the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
What is Small Business Saturday?
- We all know what Black Fridays is, the day after Thanksgiving, when large retailers have door buster sales, and there’s Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving and biggest day for online shopping.
- On Small Business Saturday, take some time to look around your town and you’ll find local shops and restaurants that are truly hidden gems of interesting merchandise, gift certificates, and where service is top-notch. Mom-and-Pop shops are typically more focused on customer service, a mark that larger retailers often fail to hit. You are likely to meet the owners in person.
- Small businesses create jobs and invest in their communities. Support the small businesses by shopping and dining local – which also supports your community.
What events does the Chamber hold each year?
- We host a number of events each year that the public is invited to attend. See our Annual Chamber Events page for more info. Here’s a partial list:
- “You Asked For It” Business Seminars – March
- Annual “Windsor Chamber Cares” Auction – Spring
- Chamber Shad Derby Blood Drive – May
- Annual Dinner – June
- Golf Tournament / Business Outing – September
- Passport to Summer Fun – June – August
I just joined the Chamber. What next?
- The best thing to do is to make an appointment to sit down with our Executive Director who can guide you as to how to best make use of the Chamber according to your business model, number of employees, community interests, etc. Call 860-688-5165 to make an appointment.
What does it cost to join the Chamber?
- The price of membership depends on the number of full time employees in your company. Membership starts at $154 / yr.
What do I get with my membership?
- There are many benefits to being a member of the Windsor Chamber of Commerce. Here are just a few:
- Business Expo Great Marketing Venue
- Business Referrals
- Chamber Insurance Trust
- Free Listing in the Chamber Directory
- Gift Certificate Program
- Information Center
- Membership in the TVCA
- Networking Events
- Representation in state and local government
I’d like to host a Business After Hours. How should I go about it?
- Call 860-688-5165 to request to host and schedule a date.
- Hosts provide the following:
- refreshments
- raffle prize(s)
- The Chamber publicizes the event to its members through the website, mail and email newsletter. Photos will be taken and posted on the Chamber website.
Are there any networking events in the morning?
- Our Windsor Business to Business Connections networking group meets on the 2nd Wednesday morning of each month at a local restaurant in Windsor, CT. It is one of few networking events open to non-Chamber members as well as members. Anyone doing business in Windsor is admitted.
Does the Chamber have a Facebook page?
- Here is our Windsor Chamber Facebook page. We keep it updated regularly with news and events and encourage members to “like” the page and interact with us there as well.
- Any member who has a Facebook fan page for their business is welcome to let us know so that we can add it to our page’s favorites.
How many networking events are there?
- At a minimum, the following networking events are planned each year:
- Business After Hours – monthly
- Business to Business Connections – monthly
- Besides our regular events, there are other networking opportunities including:
- Business Expos – two or more per year
- Tobacco Valley Chamber Alliance events – six per year
- Public events like the Chili Challenge, and more
How can I get more from my membership?
- There are many ways to get more involved in the Chamber than simply paying your membership dues.
- One way to get more business from your membership is to attend our networking events. It takes more than one introduction to someone for them to trust you enough to give you their business. Relationships are built by repeatedly networking. Attend frequently!
- You can also join one of the Chamber’s many committees. Through committees you will meet and spend more time with other business people who are interested in the topic of the committee, again building relationships. Some of our committees are:
- Auction
- Business Development
- Golf Tournament
- See our most current list of Committee here
Do I have to be a member to sponsor the website, the newsletters, or other events?
- You do NOT have to be a member to sponsor our events, website, newsletters, etc. However, in some cases, the prices are slightly higher for non-members.
Do you offer sponsorship opportunities?
- There are a number of ways you can promote your business and sponsor Chamber programs at the same time. Here’s a partial list:
- Sponsor the website with your banner ad
- Sponsor an issue of Chamber eNews, our weekly business news email newsletter
- Sponsor an issue of What’s Going on in Windsor, our weekly public events email newsletter
- Sponsor events like our Annual Dinner, Chili Challenge, Golf Tournament, etc. Each event has a unique audience and various different sponsorships – ie. the golf tournament includes a Beverage Cart sponsors, Tee sponsors, Lunch sponsor, etc. The Annual Dinner includes Table Sponsors.
- There is more information on our sponsorship opportunities page.
I use Facebook quite a bit. How can I let my friends and colleagues know about something I see on the Chamber website?
- You can share any page of the Chamber website by clicking on the “Share This” icon. Choose the social network you prefer and the url of the page you’re on will be filled in automatically.
- This can be especially helpful for sharing upcoming meetings and events.
How can I find out about upcoming events?
- The calendar on our website is always kept up-to-date. Check back any time to find out what’s going on.
- Also, we send out an email newsletter every Thursday morning detailing upcoming events for the next seven days. The newsletter is called “What’s Going on in Windsor?”. To sign up to receive this newsletter, go to our newsletter subscription page.
How can I update my member directory listing?
- Use the “Update Your Listing” form online to change your contact info, update your description, add your social networking links (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) to your listing.
How can I get my events on the Chamber website?
- All members are welcomed to add their events to the Chamber’s online calendar. On each page of our website ( you’ll see a calendar of events which includes Chamber events, member events, and Windsor non-profit events. If you are a Windsor Chamber member or non-profit, add your event by clicking the green “Add Event” button above the calendar. After review, your event will be displayed.
Is food available before or at concerts on the green?
- There are no food vendors on the green during concerts, but popcorn and water are sold by the Lions Club and the restaurants surrounding the green are open for business.
- Many people go to one of the local restaurants and eat dinner before the concert or bring their dinner to the green with them for the concert.
Is there a restroom available for the public during concerts on the green?
- There are port-o-lets in the back parking lot of the Town Hall during concerts on the green.
- The library is also open and has restrooms available.
Do you have maps available?
- Yes, we have Windsor town maps available. They are also available at the Windsor Town Hall next door.
- We also have some map info available online – see our Windsor maps page.
Where can I find information about businesses in town?
- On the Chamber website, you can find information about local businesses in several ways.
- Click the Member directory. You’ll find all our member businesses listed in alphabetical order by business name. Click a business for their full details including contact info, website, description, social networking links, and more.
- Click Members by Category – You’ll find a list of categories like Shopping, Health, Medical, Restaurants, etc. Click the category that interests you and you’ll see a list of businesses in alphabetical order with their contact info.
Is the Chamber of Commerce affiliated with the Town of Windsor?
- The Windsor Chamber of Commerce is a separate non-profit organization whose mission is to support local businesses and the community.
- We do work closely with the town on many projects, however, and have been tasked by the Town with increasing tourism in Windsor.