
Member Directory

Robin Sharp, Easterseals Capital Region & Eastern CT

Board Member

Robin is the President & CEO of Easterseals Capital Region & Eastern CT, a nonprofit organization that provides services to Veterans and individuals with disabilities and their families. With over 25 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, Robin is a dynamic leader who is passionate about health equity and creating opportunities for people to reach their full potential.

Prior to joining Easterseals, Robin held leadership roles at several nonprofit organizations including the Alzheimer’s Association and the YWCA. She has a proven track record of success in organizational management, fundraising and program development and is committed to building strong partnerships with community organizations and

Robin holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Brandeis University. She has served on the board of directors for multiple non-profit organizations and chambers of commerce. She loves traveling, spending time with family, and is an avid Philadelphia Eagles fan.

Robin Sharp, Windsor Chamber of Commerce Board Member